CDF Publishes paper on Transnational Repression

Transnational Repression*

China Democracy Fund calls for your immediate attention:

The Chinese government has degraded human rights and threatened democratic freedoms globally. While many victims of transnational repression are high-profile human rights defenders, activists, dissidents, and journalists, others have been subjected to extraterritorial violence of doing things that most people living in democracies would see as mundane: practicing their religion, attending a protest, or expressing their frustration with the government in private, online, or in print. China operates its sprawling system of transnational repression by working through the legal and political systems of foreign countries—including detentions, extraditions, and joint border patrols—and often using diplomatic staff at embassies and consulates, run through China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This statement will provide cases of scholars, human rights activists, and independent civilians who have been harassed and threatened by Chinese embassies and agencies over their democratic right to free expression. The CCP’s violation of human rights and freedom has transcended borders, from cyberattacks, Confucius Institutes, infiltration of Western media to physical attacks of activists and abduction of foreign citizens.

 Gui Minhai is an imprisoned publisher whose story serves as one example of how China’s READ MORE


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